Packs of pork sausages have been recalled by a leading supermarket over fears they could be eaten a month out of date.

A labelling issue means that packs of Waitrose's six Sweet and Succulent Pork Sausages with Caramelised Red Onion Confit have been given a use-by date of July 4, 2019, when instead it should have read June 4, 2019.

This means the product may be unsafe to eat if eaten after the intended use by date.

It affects the 400g packs and only ones that are stamped 04/07/2019.

Any product that is not intended to be eaten by June 4 can be returned to the store for a full refund.

The company, which has a store in Truro, said: "We apologise that it has been necessary to recall this product and for the inconvenience caused."