Dear Editor,

Your prompt online story concerning Falmouth School’s current Ofsted rating as inadequate has brought into the open the issues that many parents have had with the academy.

The reason for the lowest possible rating is completely due to a failure of leadership, and the first page gives eight major areas in which failures have occurred, of which the practice of "off-rolling" was only one.

This is "removing" pupils who may bring down the school’s exam success scores.

It disrupts families, causes academic failure and is morally indefensible.

Normally a management structure so full of fault lines would have new leadership, but somehow I doubt this will be the case in Falmouth School.

It will be marketed as "requiring improvement" and "it is already in hand".

But no one will have any confidence in a leadership that is so in denial about its inability to engage with the community it serves.

Nick Jemmett


* To read the original story click here: