A Falmouth restaurant has shut only three months after it opened, leaving staff with unpaid wages.

But owner and head chef Nik Boyle has promised his team that they will be paid in full.

Restaurant Nik Boyle, which opened in Arwenack Street in June, has shut this week despite receiving positive reviews online.

Speaking to the Packet, Mr Boyle said the restaurant was leased with a three-month break clause in place, and that the landlord decided to end the tenancy.

The chef said that he is locked in a legal battle relating to a previous business, and will pay staff once funds become available.

He described the effect the closure has had on his mental health, forcing him to move into a family member's spare room with his wife and one-year-old daughter.

He said: "This is a really sad case of 'we tried our hardest and the place doesn't make any money'.

"This has broken my heart. You stay up til three in the morning playing mental Jenga wondering where you're going to get your staff wages."

High business rates, a slow summer and a lack of outside investment were also contributing factors to the restaurant's demise, he said.

"I had a talk with staff yesterday, I told them we would not be trading any longer. These are good people who I'm friends with.

"This isn't Amazon going bust, it's a family-run restaurant. My wife and one year-old daughter are affected by this."

Caine Bowler, former sous-chef at Restaurant Nik Boyle, described the good relationship that the chef had with his team.

He said: "I don't think anyone's really been left with hard feelings. Nik's been very upfront about it. I have known at every step."

He added: "[Nik] was always good as gold with us. If you needed it he'd give you the shirt off his back, I can't say a bad word about Nik."

Mr Boyle said: "I'm not Jeff Bezos [Amazon CEO], I'm a chef who tried my hardest. These guys know I will try my hardest to pay their wages.

"I will pay every f***ing penny I owe."