NEWS that the Fal Estuary is to benefit from a share of £2.5million funding for underwater habitat restoration has been welcomed by Cherilyn Mackrory, MP for Truro and Falmouth.

The LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project, led by Natural England, will protect seagrass meadows - a critically endangered EU red listed habitat which are easily damaged and slow to recover.

They are threatened by anchoring, mooring and launching of recreational boats, as well as trampling from walkers and bait collectors.

Cherilyn said: “I welcome this funding for these important underwater habitats in the Fal estuary, which will allow these important seagrass meadows, themselves supporting unique ecosystems, to grow and flourish.

“I will be out on the Carrick Roads with my husband fishing and look forward to seeing some of the habitats for myself.”

The project will provide environmentally friendly moorings, voluntary codes, targeted training and habitat restoration, in five areas across southern England.

Natural England interim chief executive Marian Spain said: “We want to make sure that everyone can enjoy England’s rich coastal landscapes, and this £2.5 million funding boost will help protect and restore critically endangered species and habitats as well as tackling climate change.”

“This project is a win-win-win for the planet, for people who use the sea and for the marine environment by protecting the delicate sea bed and restoring sea grass meadow, a vital carbon sink, as well as providing new places for boats to moor.”

Seagrass meadows stabilise the seabed, clean surrounding seawater and absorb carbon, helping to prevent climate change.

It has been estimated that seagrass around our shores can absorb and store at least as much carbon per hectare as trees in UK woodland.

The five Marine Protected Areas, set to benefit from the funded project are: the Isles of Scilly, Fal & Helford, Plymouth Sound & Estuaries, Solent Maritime and Essex Estuaries Special Areas of Conservation.

The scheme has been awarded £1.5 million from the EU’s LIFE fund and is the result of more than 12 months of working together.

The techniques and evidence drawn from Recreation ReMEDIES will be evaluated to measure the conservation benefit and assess how it could be repeated across Europe.

The programme will directly train nearly 2,000 recreational users, helping to:

* collect seed and replant seagrass

* inspire better care of the seagrass beds by recreational boat users

* roll-out solutions including advanced mooring systems that are more gentle on delicate underwater habitats.