DESPITE hundreds of objections from Bosvale residents, a reserved matters application to build a 69-bed retirement home was approved on Friday.

More than 700 residents signed a petition in January in an attempt to prevent the five-storey building from being built on a green space next to the community centre.

Falmouth Town Council's ward councillor Alan Jewell said: "I managed to get it refused first time around when the original application was made but it was overturned at appeal. This reserved matters application buys the developer some time.

"I used to play on that field as a boy when I was in the scouts so I did my best to keep it that way but they've come back with something slightly different and it's now been approved."

In accepting the reserved matters proposal from The Abbeyfield Society, Cornwall Council has placed three conditions on the development, as follows:

1, The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this Application - Approved".

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

2, No building shall be occupied until details for the installation of CCTV equipment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in

consultation with the police.

The details shall include: provision for CCTV equipment in a recording format that is acceptable to the police and fit for operational requirements; and provision for the

securing and operation of all cameras, wiring and recording or monitoring equipment in co-ordination with external lighting.

The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details and the CCTV equipment shall be retained and operated thereafter in working condition in

accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To deter crime and anti-social behaviour in accordance with Policy 16 of the Cornwall Local Plan.

3, Prior to first occupation the "As Constructed" surface water drainage details shall be provided and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The details

shall include the implemented surface water drainage systems layout, levels and construction details.

Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and minimise the risk of pollution of surface water by ensuring the provision of a satisfactory means of surface water control and disposal.

The Packet reported in 2014 that the plans were first unveiled the previous summer.

Resident Wendy McDonald, of Charles Avenue, said in a letter submitted to the council's planning portal in November: "It has now come to light that Abbeyfield do not intend to develop this site. At this stage they are merely keeping the outline planning live.

"Although this is not illegal in any way it is misleading and somewhat dishonest. It reflects the lack of consideration for the wider neighbourhood, not only with the above issues but regards the loss of the amenity area.

"The process continues to cause distress to many including the elderly, families and disabled living here."