Another popular event in the farming calendar has fallen victim to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Truro Christmas Primestock usually held at Lemon Quay will not go ahead this year due to uncertainty over restrictions on gatherings later in the year.

The management committee of the Truro Christmas Primestock and Produce Society say that planning for a show continues throughout the year, involving considerable financial outlay, and they consider that the risk to everyone’s safety and society finances of the charity is too great.

A spokesperson said: "Everyone involved is desperately sad that it has come to this after, for some, a lifetime of involvement and enjoyment being involved with the organisation of, or attending, the show."

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The committee intend to coordinate a sheep and cattle competition at Truro Market on December 2, with kind permission of Lodge & Thomas, but due to Covid-19 rules, it will not be open to the public.

This will allow local butchers to purchase prize winning animals to allow their customers to purchase the best of Cornish beef and lamb in time for Christmas.

The committee say that they are looking forward to 2021 and beyond and that they hope and trust that the world is in a better place by then.

Jeff Thomas, who farms near Lands End is the show chairman. He said: “After 118 years the committee considers there to be too much risk to coordinate this year’s show.

"We have previously only cancelled due to Foot and Mouth or World War. We look forward to seeing everyone in our show marquee on December 1, 2021.”