ONE of Falmouth's main primary schools says it fully expects to open this week, despite media speculation, as Boris Johnson says he has 'no doubt' that classrooms are safe.

Writing on the school's Facebook page, St Francis headteacher Hannah Stevens told parents and carers that, as it currently stands, she is fully expecting to open for the Spring Term, and children can attend from Tuesday, January 5, when the term starts.

"You will have no doubt seen from the media the speculation about schools reopening," she says. "As we start this term having moved from Tier 1 when we closed, to now being in Tier 3, we have reviewed our Risk Assessments and brought in some additional measures within the school to reflect the increased infection rate in Cornwall.

"These include additional fogging of classrooms to support with the school being deep cleaned regularly and staff wearing visors in the classrooms if they choose to. All other existing measures we have previously informed you about, were already as robust as those in areas experiencing a much higher level of infection rate and these all still remain in place this term."

She asks parents and carers to help keep the school as safe as possible during this time of increased infection rate and asks they support the school in what it is doing. She says she understands that returning to school at a time when the local infection rate has increased will cause new concern for our families.

"We have worked in partnership all the way through this pandemic and we want to continue to work with you to ensure you feel fully informed about our safety measures, and to talk about any specific concerns you may have." she said.

"Of course, as we all know, all of this information can change at a moment’s notice if the Government’s guidance and school information gets updated. As always, we will communicate our plans swiftly with you should this be the case. But as it stands currently, we are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, 5th January."

King Charles Primary School also says it looks forward to seeing pupils on January 5.

Boris Johnson has said parents should send primary-age children back to schools that are open this week, as he hinted at tougher coronavirus measures for England.

The Prime Minister said he has “no doubt” that classrooms are safe and that the risk to young people was “very, very small” amid calls from teaching unions to close all schools for the next two weeks.

Referring to the tiers system, Mr Johnson said that coronavirus restrictions in England are “probably about to get tougher” due to rising infection rates.

Appearing on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday morning, the Prime Minister said: “Schools are safe. It is very, very important to stress that.

“I would advise all parents thinking about want to do, look at where your area is, overwhelmingly you’ll be in a part of the country where primary schools tomorrow will be open.”

Teaching unions are advising its members not to go to work.