A 74-YEAR-OLD woman has said she is glad that an application to vary a restraining order against her has been dismissed.

The original restraining order against Barbera Jean Shirley Minns, of Daveys Close, Falmouth was made at Truro Magistrates Court back in 2018.

That order was for her not to contact her immediate neighbours Gary Authers or Adele Richards directly or indirectly and not to enter the curtilage of 15 Davey Close or loiter outside.

An application was made to vary the order after she was convicted of breaching it.

But at hearing at Truro Magistrates' Court on Friday the application was dismissed by magistrates.

Mrs Minns told the Packet she was glad the variation application had been dismissed and she hoped to apply to have the whole order dismissed in the future. She was also applying to have the probation order against her dismissed.

She said she very much keeps herself to herself and the situation had badly affected her mental health.