Climate protestors are planning a demonstration in Truro tomorrow as part of plans to ensure the Council intends to hold to the commitment made by the previous administration, to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

Members of Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, the Green Party and several local climate action and environment groups will protest on Tuesday September 28 as councillors arrive for the first full council meeting at New County Hall since lockdown.

A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion said: "This summer has seen unprecedented climate events including destructive fires, floods, storms and soaring temperatures.

"The warning from scientists is crystal clear: emergency action is needed to reduce emissions, and needed now.

"We are unclear whether the Council intends to hold to the commitment made by the previous administration, to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

"It has voted against the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, which was committed to zero emissions by 2030, for (and against) the Environment Bill which used the Government’s 2050 target. "It has supported the airport and spaceport, and the road building programme, all sources of huge emissions.

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"It is allowing massive new housing developments without any carbon budget.

"It has a large agricultural estate of its own but no emergency plan for reducing the substantial emissions from conventional agriculture.

"It has failed to advance plans for retrofitting its housing stock, or for helping those most vulnerable to the climate crisis.

"If the Council confirms its ongoing commitment to net zero emissions by 2030, it must explain how this will be achieved in the light of the contradictions in its policies.

"This is not a debating point: our future and our children’s future depend on us acting decisively, now.

"We undertake to work closely with the Council if it honestly reaffirms its commitment to a zero carbon Cornwall by 2030."

The groups have said that the demonstration will include local speakers as well as 'citizen's assembly' to discuss further action.