Falmouth Town Council has voted to respond to Cornwall Council's report on the proposed closure of the Ships and Castles leisure centre, citing issues with a number of its points.

At an emergency meeting held last night, the town council said that it would respond the report produced by Cornwall Council and would be drafting a letter to send to members of the council expressing the will of the people of Falmouth.

The town council voted unanimously to respond to the report, criticising various aspects of how Cornwall Council has conducted the survey, including the confusing nature of the survey itself.

It was claimed that the survey produced by Cornwall council had been confusing and that this was one reason as to why the town council had decided to go ahead with its own consultation.

Councillors also criticised the way in which GLL had run the centre, stating that the recent takeover of the Princes Pavillion had shown that footfall could be significantly increased by improving the services on offer.

It was also said that many residents had shown dissatisfaction with certain aspects of GLL priorities and management and that it should be the management of these centres that is reviewed before closure is considered.

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Falmouth Town Mayor Steve Eva stated he was disappointed that Cornwall Council seemed to do things "on a whim" and that the letter they would be sending to Cornwall Council in the coming days would express the town council's desire to be listened to.

Councillors also described how they believed GLL's performance in running the centre had been "inept" and criticised Cornwall Council for appearing to have believed without question what the company had told them, with on councillor asking: "Why should we believe them?"

Councillors did, however, praised the engagement and responses they saw from the people who took part in their survey, stating that over 1500 people had taken part, making the survey statistically valid and calling it a rewarding exercise.

They also stated that they wanted to work closely with community groups in finding a solution.

Mayor Steve Eva also wanted to thank Cllr Jude Robinson for her efforts in putting together the public meetings and the package to protect the town's leisure services.

15:56 - Updated: This article has been updated to say that the town council in fact did not accept the Cornwall Council report, just their own response