24 hours of intense cycling begins at 5:30 pm today for Helen Napier of the Manaccan near the Lizard.

The 51-year-old has been cycling since January 2021 and is completing the cycle to raise money for MS Society UK in honour of her sister who suffers from the condition.  
She is undertaking the enormous task from her Zwift solo bike set up in her spare room, pedalling until Saturday at 7:30 pm. 

Though this is more than 24 hours it takes into account the time needed for a break every six hours where she can eat, stretch, change clothes etc. 

Training for such a big event has seen Helen cycle over 2,000 miles since preparations began in November. 

Speaking to the Packet earlier in January Helen said: “I have been talking to a lot of people who have done 24-hour rides before and a lot have said I am doing too many big rides beforehand. 

“But for me, that is part of the challenge so that I can get a glimpse into people like my sister go on day to day feeling tired, the aches and pains and everything that goes with MS. 

“It is the only way I can get a glimpse into their world, it is part of the challenge.” She added.

Helen initially set a target of £2,000 which she has since obliterated with £2789 being raised at the time of writing. 
You can donate, support and monitor Helen's progress by following the link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/helen-napier3