Several families of residents from Trengrouse Care Home in Helston have spoken out about the decision to close the home, claiming that for some residents, it could be the difference between life and death.

Cornwall Care announced they would be temporarily closing three of its home, of which Trengrouse is one, as part of a planned restructure, however, some staff and families have since come out against the decision.

One woman, whose mother is currently a resident at Trengrouse care Home, told The Packet: "I found out about it on Facebook the day after it had been on television.

"I rang the care home after I'd seen it on TV and spoke to the receptionist there to ask if this were true and was told it was and we'd be getting a letter.

"It took ten days after finding out about it for a letter to come through, and that was via email in the end.

"I'm saddened, I'm frustrated and I'm angry.

"The people who are in that home are extremely vulnerable and frail and they all have conditions that not a lot of care homes will take, which is why Trengrouse is so important.

"It's an EMI home, which is elderly and mentally impaired, and a lot of nursing homes don't take people with those conditions.

"The staff are amazing, they've got a really good rapport with the residents, the residents trust them, but obviously, once it's shut they'll loose all of that, they'll be scared and frightened.

"It could possibly cause some to die too, because of how poorly they already are.

"One of my biggest worries is also that my mum is going to get shipped out of county."

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Another local woman, who also asked to remain anonymous and who has a relative that's been at Trengrouse Care Home for nearly three years, told The Packet how staff at the care home had kept her family member alive when they caught covid last year.

The woman said: "The staff at Trengrouse kept them alive, I didn't think I'd seem them again, the rapport there is unbelievable, they're like extended family.

"Trengrouse in itself has been like a family unit, the trust they have and the rapport they have with the vulnerable people there is just amazing.

"It doesn't make sense, you've got 165 beds at Treliske waiting for care packages, then Cornwall Care decide to close three homes down - Mountford with 38 beds, Trengrouse with 41 beds and Headlands with 32 beds, that's 111 vulnerable patients that will have to find somewhere.

"It's going to be total disruption.

"It's not good enough, something's got to give.

"We need radical change."

A spokesperson for Cornwall Care said: "We have the capacity in our Cornwall Care homes to offer every Trengrouse resident alternative accommodation, so there is absolutely no need for anyone to move out of Cornwall.

"We have every resident’s best interests at heart and are working closely with them and their families to ensure their current and future wellbeing. 

"Trengrouse is being temporarily closed and we have plans to re-open it when the staffing situation improves.

"Existing staff are being offered a transfer into other Cornwall Care homes or services which will help provide continuity of care for those who are moving.”

Staff at the care home have also set up a petition to raise awareness of the situation.

For more information on the petition, visit: