The fate of Ships and Castles Leisure Centre has been decided by Cornwall Council this morning.

In an extraordinary cabinet meeting held today to decide the fate of the Ships and Castles leisure centre, Cornwall Council has recommended that the procurement process end and the site close.

Cornwall Council also recommended that alternate opportunities be developed that may include the disposal of the site.

The emotional meeting heard from local councillors and residents who were given the opportunity to voice their opinions, followed by councillors representing residents in the surrounding areas.

Several people were also asked to leave during the process as emotions ran high, with one man shouting "shame on you all" as he was escorted out.

Among their concerns, councillors for the Falmouth and Penryn areas questioned what alternatives would be in place for local people and what would happen to the land Ships and Castles sits upon should the site close, as well as asking how the council would meet its obligation to provide key stage two pupils with swimming lessons.

In response to questions from councillors and the public, Cllr Richard Pears stated that the Ships and Castles leisure centre was 'a fun pool' and did not have the facilities required by the community as it was 'not fit for purpose.'

He also claimed that memberships at the leisure centre had always been low and that GLL had needed to subsidize its running from other, more profitable areas, of its business. 

The council had also claimed that, initially, the situation had been that four leisure centres had been due to close and that, with their 'tireless hard work' they had managed to reduce that to two.

In a heartfelt statement, Cllr Alan Jewell, asked Cornwall Council to take a chance on Falmouth Town Council and allow them to take control of the site and deal with potential bidders, given what he described as their successful taking over of the Princess Pavillion, which GLL had also previously run before the town council taking it over.

In closing the meeting, Leader of the Council, Linda Taylor said alternate options would be developed and that they would be looking to work with councillors from Falmouth and Penryn, claiming they would welcome working in partnership with them.