Furious villagers are up in arms over an "insane" plan to put a 20-metre high mobile phone mast in an "exceptionally beautiful and special" area.

Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited want to install an electronic communications base station comprising a 20m mast and associated radio equipment cabinets at Cripplesease, Nancledra near Penzance, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The company says the proposed base station location has been selected so as to: "Utilise the least impactive structure available whilst meeting the specific network coverage needs of this topographically difficult area.

"The height of the mast is required primarily for coverage purposes to maximise the coverage potential of this single site to this sensitive area whilst also allowing further future upgrade to support all future 4G and 5G technologies without any requirement for significant works, thereby minimising the overall impact of this required electronic communications development upon this sensitive area."

But the plan has caused uproar in the village with nearly 80 comments of objection being posted on Cornwall Council's planning portal.

They say the mast and station is not in keeping with the surrounding area, will have a visually bad impact on an AONB, it's to close to residential properties, the design does not suit the environment and it will cause noise pollution.

One objector Nicholas Abercrombie said: "I have many friends living in Cripplesease and they are genuinely suffering sleepless nights over this insane application.

Typical of the many comments against the plan was Mr John Boyle who has land close to the site. He said: "Why is this even needed? If it was then surely there would be some local support?

"I own six acres of land close by that I am rewilding - already 1,500+ native and pollinating trees planted, ponds dug, and restoring the wildlife corridor.

"This is an exceptionally beautiful and special area, of incredible historical importance - just check the Cornwall Council interactive map historical layer. This eyesore is not needed and will severely impact on every resident of the village. There are other ways the aim can be achieved if needed at all and other far less intrusive and injurious locations for it to be sited."


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Another objector Ms Claire Coombe said: "This is one of the last unspoilt areas of Cornwall which feels truly wild and unspoilt by inappropriate development and a lack of regard for communities and wildlife - it would be great if we could keep it this way."

Cornwall Council have yet to make a decision on the application