Schoolchildren across Helston and the Lizard Peninsula have been receiving special visits to discuss the importance of road safety and talking to police.

Helston PCSO Julia Berry had noticed after standing outside school gates, and particularly since Covid, that children did not want to engage with her, and were "scared" to speak to her.

Julia then adapted a road safety plan and started on November 1, after the clocks had changed and evenings were dark.

She started at Landewednack School, and then went onto other schools. She has now visited 19 schools out of 22.

Julia told the Packet: "At some schools I was able to speak with the entire school in one hit, in others I spoke with year groups and others they were divided into key stage one and two. For most schools I was the first outside visitor that had been to the school since Covid."

Each session lasts 30 minutes, and Julia starts with introducing herself, and asking the children to 'have their listening ears on,' and to put there hands up if they have a question.

Some of the subjects covered in the lessons have been: walking safely – on pavements and non pavements, walking with mobile phones – music and texting, safe places to cross (zebra crossings, pelican crossings and lollipop person), the importance of seat belts in cars, and the correct safety equipment for cycling, or using a scooter.

Distractions in cars has been another subject Julia has touched upon, including children fighting with siblings in the back, use of mobile phones whilst driving, and using tablets and laptops.

"If the children do not take much away from the lessons about road safety, I know that they are no longer afraid to speak with police, which is what my aim was," added Julia.

Alongside this project, Julia has been working with the civil enforcement officers from Cornwall Council.