The Liberal Democrats have announced who will standing at the next general election to be the next MP for Falmouth and Truro.

Ruth Gripper will be the Liberal Democrat candidate in Truro and Falmouth constituency at the next general election after being reselected by local party members.

The 36-year old, who stood against Cherilyn Mackrory in the 2019 election, said: "I'm delighted and honoured to have been reselected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Truro and Falmouth. This is my home and I will always put the people of Truro and Falmouth first.

"The lies and chaos from Downing Street over so many months have done huge damage to our politics and to our country's standing in the world. People deserve better from our politicians. That's why I got into politics in the first place and I'm looking forward to sharing our positive Liberal Democrat alternative.


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Asked about her priorities in the role, Ms Gripper said: "We are facing some big challenges right now - the cost of living, the unsustainable pressures on the NHS and social care, the housing crisis and climate change. We really need our politicians to get serious about addressing these and that's what I'll be doing.

"I'm also really keen to work with local groups and people in the community who are just getting on and making a difference locally."

Gripper grew up in the constituency and lives in Falmouth. She works in Truro for the University of Exeter. "As politicians we should be making decisions based on what works, not on what will get a quick headline."

The Conservative party was thrown into disarray this week after 57 ministers resigned and Boris Johnson announced his resignation as leader. Meanwhile the Liberal Democrats are on the up after a series of historic by-election wins. The most recent victory in Tiverton and Honiton saw the party overturn a Conservative majority of more than 24,000.

Gripper commented: "People are sick of this Conservative party which has taken them for granted for too long. Even life-long Conservative voters have had enough. The Liberal Democrats work hard and we speak up for local people. We know we have to earn your vote. People can see that. That's why we've seen these brilliant by-election wins, and that's what we're hearing from people locally too."

"Politicians aren't all the same. The Conservative government in Westminster, and our Conservative MPs in Cornwall, have really let us down. Lots of people are really fed up with the current state of politics - that's why it's time for a change."

The current Tory MP Cherilyn Mackrory has already announced that she will be trying to keep her seat while she faces a strong challenge from Labour's Jayne Kirkham who was selected by her party to stand last month.