Falmouth Library says it received incredibly positive feedback after what was described as a "stupid" protest was held outside a story time session for children read by a drag queen.

The Drag Queen Story Hour UK on August 1 attracted both protestors and supporters to The Moor in Falmouth when Aida H Dee The Storytime Drag Queen read to children with their parents at a sold out storytime session in the library.


Anti-storytime protestors on the Moor

Anti-storytime protestors on the Moor


Around 20 anti-event protestors gathered on the Moor with placards opposed to the event, one of many around the UK and the third in Cornwall that day. They said that drag artists should be for adults only. Among the signs being held up was one that read: "We are not homophobic but stop Drag Time Story hour'".

They were opposed by around 50 counter-protestors in support of the session.

In its report to the Cultural Services and Leisure committee of Falmouth Town Council, Falmouth Library classed it as its most controversial event of the summer. It said 30 children and 27 adults attended the event with some "incredibly positive feedback"

"The most controversial event of the summer has been playing host to Drag Queen Story Hour UK on the 1st August," says the report. "We had 30 children and 27 adults attend the event with some incredibly positive feedback."


These mums said the atmosphere was great

These mums said the atmosphere was great


Among the positive comments made by those attending and added to the report was one which said: "Drag Queen Story Hour was fabulously entertaining and kept my children engaged throughout.” They added: "Aida was fantastic. The kids loved it.”

Another feedback form said: Very funny and enjoyable. Kids enjoyed it immensely. Very good performing of the book, which was very well written too. Not remotely deserving of the stupid protesting either."

Charlie, ten, wrote: “It was fun," while Ashley, seven, said: “It was good. I want to be a drag queen."

Ernie, age seven said: “I liked it. I really liked the story.” and Ebenezer, aged four, said it was “Fantabulas! [sic] I liked every bit."

The report will be considered by the committee when it meets on Wednesday.


Aida H Dee drag queen story teller

Aida H Dee drag queen story teller


The sessions Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), Drag Queen Storytime, and Drag Story Time are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals to "inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others."