A Helston couple were among the thousands filing past the Queen's coffin to pay their respects to Her Majesty as she lies in state in the Great Hall this week.

Bryan Lynch and Wisdom James have spent the past ten days in Dublin but decided to stop in London before coming back home to Cornwall.


Despite the long waits, the weather was good and Bryan and Wisdom chatted to others whilst they waited to pay their respects

Despite the long waits, the weather was good and Bryan and Wisdom chatted to others whilst they waited to pay their respects

Meanwhile Rosie Patterson and her children Tyler and Eliza from Porthleven witnessed the procession from the Mall where the Queen was being taken to Windsor Hall on Wednesday afternoon.

The Queen's coffin is currently lying in state at Windsor Hall after being moved from Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, before her funeral on Monday, 19.

At 5pm, the doors opened at Westminster Hall for the public to come and pay their respects and for some, they had been queuing for days.

Bryan and Wisdom started queuing at around 1.30pm on Wednesday and were interviewed by news readers whilst they waited, Bryan, said: "There’s a huge amount of people, everyone is really lovely, and from all around the country. The weather is also good."


Floral tributes for Her Majesty at The Mall

Floral tributes for Her Majesty at The Mall


Bryan and Wisdom waited patiently for six hours before they finally got to pay their respects at 7.30pm. After they had left Westminster Hall, Bryan reflected on the moment and told the Packet: "We have been to Westminster Hall to pay our respects to Queen Elizabeth and were very fortunate to see the changing of the vigil too.

"The Hall is overwhelming with its vastness and beautiful Hammer Beam ceiling.

"The silence was deafening and so moving, and the respect of the visitors who filled the cavernous space."


Rosie with her two children Tyler and Eliza waited to watch the procession in London on Wednesday.

Rosie with her two children Tyler and Eliza waited to watch the procession in London on Wednesday.

Meanwhile Rosie and her children watched the procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall.

Rosie said: "It was a really long day, surrounded by the most lovely people and checking up on us asking if the children were OK throughout the day and making sure they had a good spot when the time came.

"In the minutes leading up to the procession reaching us, I read out a breaking news alert to say King Charles is joined by his sons walking side by side as Queen's coffin leaves Buckingham Palace, when I read this out, you could see the emotion on peoples faces by this point we could hear the band heading our way and it was beautiful."

Despite the long wait and the vast majority of people waiting, it was a day that Rosie, Bryan, and Wisdom will never forget. "A beautiful moment we will all remember forever." They add.