For many people, last week was one of mourning and remembrance after the death of Her Majesty, The Queen.

For others, it was yet another reminder of the stark differences between those that are born 'with' and those that are born 'without.'

Something that may come as a surprise to a few is that both of these viewpoints are acceptable and to not want to fully involve themselves in mourning the passing of a monarch isn't (thankfully) indicative of a lack of moral fibre.

Over the past week a number of incidents in which people are seemingly getting into trouble for voicing dissent have worried this Skipper.

Do people really still need to have it spelled out for them that it is GOOD that people disagree with one another from time to time? Do they understand what the opposite would entail?

The Queen was undoubtedly a much-loved figurehead of the nation for many years; however, her death does not mean that everyone now has to blindly 'respect' the remaining Royal Family or the monarchy.

People should not be removed from processions or arrested for voicing dissenting opinions, despite the fact others may be offended.

It is right, in this Skipper's mind, that the Royal Family, like any other group of powerful or wealthy individuals, are the subject of public scrutiny – the Queen herself even said as much, in her speech after the Windsor castle fire of 1992, in which she said: "There can be no doubt, of course, that criticism is good for people and institutions that are part of public life.

"No institution – City, Monarchy, whatever – should expect to be free from the scrutiny of those who give it their loyalty and support, not to mention those who don't."

Anyone asking you to relinquish free thought or critical thinking for the sake of not 'offending' someone is exactly the sort of person you probably should be offending.