Like a scene from Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings, Pendennis Castle emerges from mist like dragon's breath over Pendennis Point.

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

These incredible images over Falmouth were taken by local photographer Harry Sutherland early morning on September 21 using a drone.

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

He told the Packet: "I’d got up for sunrise and found there to be a gorgeous mist rising up around the point and the castle creating this eerie setting."

For those of a technical bent the images were Shot on a Dji Mini 3 Pro using AEB (Auto Exposure Bracketing). In other words taking three photos in quick (‘almost instant’) succession, at various different exposures, then merged and edited in Adobe Lightroom.

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

"I’ll often use AEB when the subject/landscape has a high dynamic range meaning some areas are darker/shadow, and some areas are brighter as they catch the golden light of the rising sun," he said.

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

Pendennis Mist by Harry Sutherland

"This is to get a better exposure of the scene overall, rather than exposing for the lights and losing detail in the shadows, or vice versa."

Harry is local photographer and drone operator who specialises in Cornish landscapes he has his own Youtube channel 

Mainly based in Newquay, he spends about half his time in Falmouth, so is always going between the two, or going out and about all over the county. 
"I have a converted van, with bed and hob etc, so myself and the dog will go off of a weekend exploring," he said. "Hence being able to get up early for sunrise photos."

You can also follow Harry on his Instagram page