An author from Helston has secured a deal with a Miami-based publishing house.

Terry Lander’s novella, 'Monster Jackpot', will be released in May and is the first of his works to be predominantly published outside the UK.

It tells the story of a young man, Bradley, who wins £641, 992.36 on a casino game online but neglects to tell his wife.

“He goes on a bit of a spree, at first buying smaller items just because he can but then he’s found out by a distant acquaintance in the pub who convinces him to spend big. Meanwhile, his wife, Freya, an apprentice mechanic, is having the worst week of her life,” said Terry. 

The book follows Bradley and Freya as their relationship unfolds, right up until the point he is inevitably rumbled.

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It was written during the first lockdown and sat as a side project until it was completed.

After writing a short story about Loe Pool for Indie Earth’s collaborative anthology, Stories From The Forest, Terry pitched Monster Jackpot to the company and was accepted.

Terry said: “Working with Indie Earth was fantastic.

"I knew the process well from my previous work but they’re great at taking authors from manuscript to the finished book.

"I worked with my editor, Flor Ana, and the book was then sent to reviewers who have been very supportive of the story.”

One such reviewer is Charlie Caroll, author of The Lip, which was shortlisted for the Writers’ Guild Best First Novel award. Charlie called Monster Jackpot ‘a pitch-perfect' exploration of what happens when those of us who have never had money suddenly get it.

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Despite featuring the controversial topic of online gambling, Terry assures readers that it is more about the negative side of instant wealth and how it affects the healthiest relationships.

“It’s definitely fiction! I wanted to explore what might happen if that money was available overnight, although it’s almost impossible to predict.

"I know many will have dreamed about winning the lottery but a large win comes with its own problems, I’m certain of that," Terry added. 

Monster Jackpot will be released on May 4 and will be available through Amazon, Book Depository and Barnes & Noble among other retailers.