Falmouth Town Council has received at rate rebate of £55,000 following an appeal to HMRC over the value applied to the area occupied by the art gallery.

At a meeting of Falmouth Town Council’s finance and general purposes committee on Monday night, finance officer Ruth Thomas told councillors that the appeal had been made by specialists in this field Goodman Nash.

Once the company had taken its cut of 35%, the town council had been left with £55,000.


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In a report to the council she said: “Following the reporting earlier in the year of an opportunity to appeal the rateable value applied to the area occupied by the gallery, we are pleased to report that this appeal has been successful and that the council is expecting a rebate of non-domestic business rates in the region of £55,000.”

However she also told councillors that the appeal related to the period from 2010 to 2017 and they were now waiting for an appeal for the period from 2017 onwards.

She said making appeals such of this was very specialist and too complicated for the council to have taken on itself.