People will be able to find out more later month about a new housing scheme near to Jubilee Pool in west Cornwall.

Treveth, a commercial property company set up by Cornwall Council in 2019, has set its sights on an area of Penzance for its latest project.

It is looking to build homes at Coinagehall Street in the town, which is close to the popular seawater lido Jubilee Pool.

The project is also set to include the regeneration of St Anthony’s Gardens, funded by Government’s Future High Streets Fund, promising it will “retain key historical features whilst providing a better public realm and useable open space which will be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.”

The property side, funded by Treveth, features a proposal for a mixed-use scheme with both residential and commercial properties incorporated in the architectural plans, with the promise of affordable homes and open market rentals as part of it.

The site will also link the area with the Jubilee Pool and the wider Penzance Promenade.

It hopes to submit a planning application around the middle of this year, and before that it is launching a public consultation online in just over a week’s time.

This will start on Monday, May 22 and run until June 9, via a dedicate website page On the Monday launch day there will also be an in-person event between 10.30am and 7pm at the Jubilee Café, Jubilee Pool, Battery Road, Penzance, TR18 4FF.

People can find out more information or ask for the consultation documents in a different format by emailing or calling 01872 706010.

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Martin Tucker, chairman Of Penzance Town Deal Board, said: “The board would like to encourage all members across the community of Penzance to come along and find out more about the emerging layout for the redevelopment of the site.

"This prime area of Penzance, which currently includes a run-down field, is looking neglected and it’s a real opportunity to be able to invest some funding to improve it and offer new housing and commercial spaces.

"The investment will enable to create a site more aligned with the refurbished Promenade and increase the connection between the town centre and the seafront."

Emma Rodgers, senior development manager at Treveth, said previously: “The site has real potential and by enhancing and improving the community spaces, as well as providing new homes for local people, we hope to encourage more visitors to the area which will boost the local economy whilst maintaining the area for local residents.

“We have also received Future High Street Funding to help mobilise the delivery of the much-needed regeneration of the wider public realm area which will support our vision.

“We are aware there has been some concern over whether the residential properties will attract second homeowners; however Treveth’s focus is to prioritise local people who live, work or have family connections in the immediate vicinity of our sites, discouraging second home ownership.

“We look forward to engaging with key stakeholders and the general public in the coming weeks.”

Cllr Tim Dwelly, Cornwall Councillor for Penzance East, said he welcomed the plan to include affordable housing on the site and ensure there were no second homes.

“Reserving market rented homes for local people will also make a big difference, given how hard it is to find places to rent in Penzance now.

“We all want the design of the new development to be a beautiful addition to the whole Jubilee Pool quarter.

“As councillors, we are particularly keen to see a high-quality employment space included as part of the mix. I hope that we will also see the Gardens area massively improved as an events space with better seating, planting, and views of the pool,” he added.

Founded by Cornwall Council in 2019, Treveth now manages 78 properties across three developments and 45 units across six commercial sites. It currently has more than 300 homes being built for local residents in Tolgus, Liskeard and Bodmin.

Previous sites it has developed include Heathlands View, Bodmin; The Coppers, Tolvaddon and Tregover, Newquay.

Treveth acquired the site at Coinagehall Street, Penzance from Cornwall Council under a ‘subject to planning’ contract in late 2022.