A CAMBORNE man who took a car without the owner's permission and was caught speeding has been sentenced by a court in Cornwall.

Louis Moore, aged 32, of Beacon Fields in Camborne, appeared in front of magistrates at Truro Magistrates' Court on Thursday, May 11 on one count of taking a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, one count of using a motor vehicle on a road or public place without third-party insurance, and one count of speeding.

The offences took place in both Pool and Truro on December 11, 2022, where Moore took a Volvo C30 from Treloweth Way in Pool, without the owner's consent.

Then, on Tregolls Road in Truro, Moore was caught exceeding 30mph on a restricted road and using a motor vehicle without third-party insurance.

He pleaded guilty to all three of the offences.

During his sentencing, Moore was fined £200 and made to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £80 as well as pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

He was also disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for three months and had his driving record endorsed. 

The court noted how Moore's guilty pleas had been taken into account when imposing the sentence.

According to the Sentencing Council, the maximum sentence for speeding on a motorway is £2,500, with the maximum sentence for speeding on any other kind of road being £1,000. The driver may also receive up to six points or lose their licence.

The fine amount depends on what the speed limit was and how much over the limit the person was driving. It is then calculated as a percentage of the driver’s weekly income.