Houses will be built in Helston despite the concerns of neighbours, a petition against the plans and dissent from the local councillor. One of the objectors said it would be a travesty if the plans were passed to build eight new homes in the town.

Cornwall Council’s west sub-area planning committee met on Tuesday, May 30, to discuss plans to demolish two houses on land at Gander Lane to make way for five four-bedroom houses, two four-bedroom dormer dwellings and one three-bedroom bungalow, which have already received outline planning permission.

The committee was handed a petition signed by 35 residents against the proposed development and heard from one of their representatives, Marian Hatton, who said: “We’re in favour of development but this plan has a total disregard for our voiced opinions and its visual impact on us. The proposals would detract from the character of the area and would not fit in with other dwellings.

“The site deserves a tasteful, modest and considerate plan for everyone that complements the land its sits on. It would be a travesty if this plan is passed in its present form.”


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Cllr Mike Thomas, who represents the ward in which the proposed houses are planned, said there was considerable public interest in the application and ongoing concerns of a number of immediate neighbours regarding the scale and massing of the proposed development, as well as drainage, flooding and existing homes being overlooked.

He told fellow councillors: “I would stress that relationship between all parties – developer, residents, planning officers, myself – has been most cordial despite our fundamental disagreements as reflected in the most recent petition of nearby residents. Not everyone disagrees with these proposals, but a sizeable number of closely affected homeowners on Fir Street and Church Hill remain opposed.”

Among comments on the council’s online planning portal are from those in support who see the development as “a much-needed upgrade to an unsightly blight on the town”. The site currently has two dilapidated houses on the site which have fallen into disrepair, with the properties being left vacant following the death of a previous landowner. These will be demolished and the site cleared.

The plans, by applicant Andrew Wooding, were passed unanimously.