Elderly and disabled residents of a street in Cornwall held a protest outside a school as parents and pupils arrived on Monday, making their feelings known about proposed traffic calming measures which they say will stop them parking outside their homes.

Neighbours in Cranberry Road, Camborne, held banners and posters aloft, saying ‘no yellow lines – our lives matter’ and ‘elderly and disabled people matter’, during the busy school drop-off period outside Camborne Science & International Academy on Monday, following the return from the half term break.

Declaring it a ‘peaceful assembly’ the residents were protesting about plans by Cornwall Council to install double yellow lines, road humps and ‘build-outs’.

However, the school has suggested they express their views through “the appropriate council channels”.

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

The work, to be carried out by Cormac on behalf of the council, aims to make the walk to school safer for students and discourage parents from driving and dropping off their children, which often leads to a traffic snarl-up.

However, many people living on the street – including a number of elderly and disabled residents who live in sheltered housing – fear they will no longer be able to park outside their homes due to the extension of double yellow lines, and will be stranded at home.

Karen Knight, who use a motability car, is one of those who will be affected and has been a leading player in arranging protests, of which this was the first. There will also be a small protest outside the council’s offices at Dolcoath Avenue in Camborne on Friday morning, and they are planning more outside the school.

She said: “It went very well [on Monday]. Quite a lot of the parents were with us on it.”

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

Previously Karen said: “I’d have to move if this happens or lose my mobility car which I can’t do. I’ve been up all night crying about this.

"There are seven bungalows, all sheltered housing, all elderly with illnesses and disabilities and two driving motability cars. This will impact on all of us and lots of other people in the area too. This will affect about 50 cars in all, leaving us all with nowhere to park.”

Her neighbour David Ridgment has been registered disabled since 1989 and struggles to walk with sticks, relying on a mobility power chair. His car is fitted with aluminium ramps to allow his chair to be transported.

He thinks it’s a “bloody nerve” that yellow lines would be painted outside his home, meaning his vital lifeline to get out and about will be cut off.

“If my car’s not outside then I’m stuffed. I’d be up the proverbial creek without a paddle,” added David, 78.

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

Residents of Cranberry Road protest the mooted traffic-calming measures outside Camborne Science & International Academy

A spokesperson for the school said: “Camborne Science & International Academy is aware of Cornwall Council’s proposed traffic calming measures around the academy. Whilst we welcome any improvements to the roads surrounding the academy, we were not involved in the planning process. As part of the consultation, the school were recently informed of the council’s plans.

“We understand that residents will have strong views on these proposals and would advise them to express them through the appropriate council channels. Our focus is as always on the wellbeing and the success of all our students together with their community.”