A CONSULTATION for an affordable housing scheme near Falmouth is set to be opened next month.

Gilbert and Goode, part of the Ocean Housing Group, will be holding a second public consultation event on Monday, July 10 at Tremayne Hall Community Centre, Lemon Hill, Mylor Bridge.

Revised proposals for the new affordable homes on land at Little Greystones Farm will go on show in July. Those behind the scheme say 100% of the homes would be classed as affordable. 

Initial proposals were shared with the community in January. Feedback from the first public consultation event has been taken on board, with the now updated plans for affordable homes, which will be available through shared ownership and social rent, to be presented at the July 10 drop-in event.

Stephen Major, Planning and Development Manager at Gilbert and Goode, said: "We are committed to working closely with communities throughout the design process and really appreciate all the feedback we have received on our proposals so far.

"We are looking forward to sharing our updated plans with the community next month."

The drop-in event will run from 2pm to 7pm, where members of the public will be able to meet the project team, ask questions and give their feedback.

Following the exhibition, all information displayed on the day will be uploaded online, giving those unable to attend the opportunity to view the updated proposals and leave their feedback.

For more information, visit the dedicated website for the proposed development at www.littlegreystonesfarm.co.uk