A celebrated organist, classic cinema from the 1920s and the newly renovated organ at a Falmouth church are coming together for an evening of high drama next week.

Internationally renowned organist David Briggs, who teaches performance at Cambridge University and gives master classes at colleges and conservatories across the US and Europe, will be at All Saints Church next Friday (July 14).

Here he will be performing an improvised score on the organ to accompany the silent black and white film Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from 1920.

Directed by John S Robertson, the 90-minute adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous Gothic novella features famous actor from the time John Barrymore as Dr Henry Jekyll.

David Briggs will be playing the celebrated Hele organ at All Saints Church in Killigrew Street, in one of its first events since it was recently renovated.

He will be improvising the music to reflect the action happening on the screen.

The performance begins at 7.30pm and tickets are available from The Poly.

Tickets cost £14, plus a £1 Poly Fund that will be added to each ticket sold.

Visit https://thepoly.org/whats-on/event/2470/dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde-with-live-score