Plans to create 30 new rooms and a purpose built restaurant at an iconic Falmouth hotel would have the support of council officers if it was submitted.

The Greenbank Hotel has sought planning advice from Cornwall Council’s planning department about whether its application would be supported.

The hotel says it wants to improve the function of the hotel, “through an enhanced visual appearance, modernisation of openings (to assist in reducing carbon footprint) and greater long-term viability through bettering the tourist offer. “

The hotel’s plans include relocation of existing conference and events suite to a new purpose- built restaurant and events area to the waterfront side; new bedrooms above the new restaurant space; conversion of redundant event space to additional bedrooms; conversion of the current under-croft parking area to new hotel bedrooms.

There would also be the provision of a new parking area next to the public highway, created along the North Parade to the north of the hotel.

Extension to the front of the lower ground floor hotel to create a new (relocated) kitchen.

There would be alterations to waterfront side of the hotel to increase bedrooms, replace and upgrade window openings and to “ensure a continuity of design and modern, clean appearance”.

The hotel says that 30 additional bedrooms would be provided, with minimal change to the hotel footprint and no overall increase in height is expected.


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In response to the hotel’s enquiry, Senior Development Officer James Moseley said providing opportunity for improved tourist accommodation is clearly acceptable..

He said: “There are significant social and economic advantages demonstrable with a proposal of this nature which weighs in favour of the scheme. In terms of the appearance of the hotel itself, with the amendments indicated following discussion taken into account, it is considered that the proposal could represent an overall significant enhancement to the existing building, and, by extent, the setting of the CA and nearby listed buildings.”

However he raised concerns over the visual impacts resulting from the provision of the new parking area, given the prominence on the street in place of an existing vegetated bank.

But he said these were not insurmountable issues.

"Overall, should the concerns listed above be addressed, it is considered that an application as indicated could be supported at officer level,” he said.