THIS week saw Cornwall Council's portfolio holder for transport question on why most residents didn't have a clue about how to get cheaper parking tickets that were available from a parking app. 

The response? The tickets were poorly advertised on the JustPark app because they were causing a 'huge financial loss' for the parking service.

It does make you wonder what constitutes a huge financial for residents who knew nothing about it and had to pay higher prices because discounted rates were seemingly hidden from them.

From people having to pay £10 for parking spaces that were, at one time, free, to not advertising the fact that discounts were available, it seems that Cornwall Council, in the opinion of this Skipper, has done a pretty lousy job of helping people park.

So, I'm going to do it for them. 

In order to get a Multi-Use ticket bundle, go to: and select 'Multi-Use' from the ticket type drop down. You may need to create an account before you're able to do this. 

Once you've done that, you can choose whether you want a Multi-Use ticket for a single location or for a particular 'zone' in the 'Batch purchase type' box. 

Gylly Beach carpark in Falmouth, for example, has a minimum spend of 10 sessions, so bare that in mind. 

Fill in your details, pay, and hey-presto, you've got yourself a Multi-Use ticket bundle.

Now, don't say I don't do anything for you.