STUDENTS in Helston have received their GCSE results today and you can view our collection of images from the day above. 

Alex Lingard, Helston Community College Headteacher, said: "We are incredibly proud of what our Year 11 students have achieved – they worked very hard and showed a huge amount of resilience over what was a very long exam season.

"Not only are we proud of all the high achievers, but we are equally pleased for all those who worked incredibly hard to pass their courses. It was great to see so many smiles and tears of joy as students opened their results envelopes."

Mrs Siobhan Barnes has led and supported this year group as they have progressed through the College. She said: "I would like to congratulate each and every student for the results gained from hard work and determination. They should be really proud."

Particular congratulations go to the following students for their outstanding achievements at the very top of the grade range: Alice Game, Lily Healy, Beth Riding, Cassie Pryor, Bethany Fooks, Susannah Monhemius, Darcey Laurence, Toby Adair, Alex Parry, Fred Dear, Darcie Ford, Sebastian Round, Olivia George, Jacob Jewell, Lauryn Moulding, Isabelle Goldsworthy, Georgia Collins, Kenan McDermott, Ned Petre and Jessica Worden.

The college would like to thank all the staff and parents for their amazing support for the students throughout the year.

You can also keep up to date with results from across Cornwall in our live blog.