The public consultation on controversial plans to improve the effectiveness of the pedestrian and cyclist zone in Falmouth by moving the rising bollard has just been launched.

Cormac on behalf of Cornwall Council and Falmouth Town Council is inviting comments on proposals for Market Street and Church Street, Falmouth.

It is proposed to improve compliance, by relocating the rising bollard currently positioned on Church Street, to the gateway to the restricted area at the start of Market Street.

Gateway features will be used to improve the overall aesthetic of and emphasise the gateway to Market Street and the town centre.

There will be new signage, lining and a blended pedestrian crossing.

Falmouth Packet: The bollard will be moved to the entrance of Market StreetThe bollard will be moved to the entrance of Market Street (Image: NQ)

At a meeting of Falmouth Town Council’s finance and general purposes committee in April, members voted to pay £5,000 towards the cost of moving the bollard from its current site at the entrance to Church Street to the entrance of Market Street.

To amend this traffic restriction an ETRO trial was put in place in May 2021 (subsequently made permanent on 2022).

To support compliance with the trial marshals were provided, however funding for the marshals came to an end in February 2022 and there have been complaints about a rise in vehicles now entering the high street during the pedestrian zone restricted hours.

Falmouth Town Council, Cornwall Council and the police say they have received complaints around the lack of compliance with the restriction and concerns over pedestrian safety.

The town centre route has also been identified as a priority route and core walking zone within the local cycling and walking infrastructure plan.

Falmouth Packet: The bollard will be moved from the entrance to Church StreetThe bollard will be moved from the entrance to Church Street (Image: Cormac/Cornwall Council)

There have been strong objections from the public about the pedestrianisation of the town centre and the loss of Church Street car park, which some people say will kill business in the town centre.

Posting on Facebook Cllr David Saunby said: "I am very fearful of what damage could be done to businesses in the town, that pay very high business rates, and could possibly force them to close due to the possible lack of footfall between the hours of 11am and 4pm.

"I strongly believe that the traders should have a major say in the consultation."


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The car park’s future use is subject to ongoing devolution discussions with the town council over a change of use.

As part of the current traffic restrictions, access to Church Street car park is not permitted during the pedestrian zone hours except for permit holders.

The consultation started today (Sept 14) and ends on October 5, 2023.

You can take part here