Residents of a Cornish estate say double yellow lines that appeared outside their homes last month are causing chaos as they are having to park elsewhere in their village.

Disabled residents of Coronation Road in Illogan say it’s proving such a “nightmare” they’re flouting the rules and being forced to park on the double yellows as there’s nowhere else to park near their homes.

The traffic measures were instigated by Coastline Housing – which maintains social housing in the street – and Cornwall Council, after vehicles were parking on verges, damaging grass, utility pipes and underground cabling.

Residents such as Kenny May say the proliferation of double yellow lines has made the situation worse. The area’s Cornwall councillor has raised concerns about a lack of parking spaces for residents and has called for a review of the scheme.

Mr May said: “It started last year when Coastline sent out a surveyor who asked us if we wanted single lines and asked if there were any blue badge holders in the street. Three weeks ago the council started putting all these double yellow lines down. It feels like it was rubber-stamped without people knowing. It’s a cock-up.”

As well as the double yellow lines, which stretch almost the entire length of Coronation Road, there are a number of bays – but not enough say locals, who have hung banners in the street saying “Residents have rights – remove lines” and “Less yellow, more white”.


Just one of the banners hanging in Coronation Road, Illogan (Pic: Lee Trewhela / LDRS)

Just one of the banners hanging in Coronation Road, Illogan (Pic: Lee Trewhela / LDRS)


“They allocated three car spaces for seven houses; five of these houses are blue badge holders. My neighbours and I have contacted different authorities, who all say different things or don’t know what’s going on. We didn’t have any letters saying that they would be painting double yellows lines,” added Mr May.

Many residents we spoke to said it’s now impossible to park when they return home from work at the end of the day. As a result, they are having to park in neighbouring streets, which is causing its own traffic issues. Some drivers are still parking on the verges too.

Gayle Littlejohns said: “There are safety factors now – I don’t want my daughter parking elsewhere and having to walk home at two in the morning. Some people are parking on the double yellow lines as there’s nowhere else to go.”

No mention of double yellow lines

Cllr Dave Crabtree, Conservative councillor for Illogan and Portreath, said he’d managed to place a hold on the work which is almost complete, has asked for a review of the scheme and has ensured enforcement won’t currently take place.

“From my early discussions with Coastline back in 2021 the idea was to make the area a more attractive location and improve the street scene. My initial survey favoured a one-way system, however Cornwall Highways informed me that this would not work and that the installation of parking bays similar to other Coastline-maintained areas was too expensive. Coastline informed me that they couldn’t do it as they don’t own the verges, therefore marked bays would be provided.


Double yellow lines on Coronation Road in Illogan (Pic: Lee Trewhela / LDRS)

Double yellow lines on Coronation Road in Illogan (Pic: Lee Trewhela / LDRS)


“At no time during my surveys did I mention double yellow lines and indeed when I was shown the design I raised concerns about the shortage of spaces, especially bearing in mind the number of properties without off-street parking, plus the number of flats and the yellow lines. I am continuing to ask for a review of the scheme.”

Council report

A Cornwall Council consultation report on the scheme states that following the results of a formal consultation, it was deemed appropriate to introduce No Waiting at Any Time (NWAAT) restrictions and staggered unrestricted parking bays to discourage inappropriate parking on verges.

The report states “due to the narrow width of the carriageway drivers park vehicles in a manner whereby they are straddled over the footways and adjacent verges. Both the parish council and the local councillor believed that both [neighbouring] Oxland Road and Church Road could accommodate any parking displacement. Both roads are only a short distance away and it is likely to only affect residents in the evening.

“It was highlighted that eligible disabled people may apply for a disabled parking bay should they wish to do so and meet the criteria.”

What Coastline say

Coastline Housing said it would be happy to work with its tenants on the possibility of applying for planning permission to create their own drives. Residents we spoke to said they’d never be able to afford to do that.

A spokesperson for Coastline Housing said: “Residents at Coronation Road in Illogan first brought parking issues to our attention around two years ago. We visited the site to talk to residents and Cllr Crabtree and agreed that the parking was chaotic for everyone using the road, be it by car or by foot, and needed to be addressed.

“Car users had been parking on the grass verges which were not designed for parking on. This was damaging the verges and utility pipes and cabling underground. Coastline Housing does not own this road or any of the verges. It is down to Cornwall Council to manage parking on public roads and we have been working with them and discussing the issue with them since it was raised.

“The council looked into creating official parking from the verges but decided the cost would be prohibitive and would not support the county’s green agenda. The only solution the council could therefore offer was double yellow lines.

“We are happy to work with our residents to give them advice on how they can apply for planning permission to install a dropped curb and drive in front of their home if they wish to do so. This would provide a solution for some residents but obviously would carry a cost for the individuals.”