Hundreds of people in the St Ives area want to see the return of an Italian restaurant says its owner, who wants to bring back a sense of family community to a coastal village.

However, a small number of residents objected to the business applying for a licence to sell alcohol on and off the premises.

Steve and Melissa Gowland, who run Romano’s on St Ives Road in Carbis Bay, applied to Cornwall Council for a licence to sell alcohol between 8am and 8pm on Mondays to Saturdays.

The council’s licensing committee met on Wednesday (November 1) to discuss the proposal, which they heard had led to objections from three people with public nuisance concerns. One of those then withdrew his complaints after receiving correspondence from Mr Gowland explaining the nature of the business.

The meeting heard that Romano’s is a small “trattoria, caffe, salumeria and prodotti locali” – essentially an Italian restaurant and delicatessen – managed and run by Mr and Mrs Gowland and their children Taylor and Zoe, who have all lived in Carbis Bay for 20 years. The name Romano’s is named after Mr Gowland’s uncle Romano Sacciccio, an Italian hairdresser.

Mr Gowland told the meeting his family were partners in a hotel and Italian restaurant in Carbis Bay a few years ago. “Talking to our neighbours it seems like there’s a real heart to build the community and this is where this idea to bring Romano’s back to life came from.

"We want to build a place where people will shop, come in for coffee, where people will eat or have a glass of wine, or buy wine and pasta. In this area there is nothing else really other than larger hotels, which not everybody likes, or full-blown restaurants. Our heart is to create that space where those things can happen and get the community back involved with each other.

“The alcohol side of it is a bonus on top of that, which means the grown-ups can enjoy a glass of wine with their food or buy something to take home.”

Romano\s is based on the main road through Carbis Bay (Photo: Google Maps)

Romano\'s is based on the main road through Carbis Bay (Photo: Google Maps)

Melissa added that the couple want to create an eating experience where family is at the centre of things, similar to restaurants and cafés in Italy and other continental countries.

Greg Peck was one of those who wrote to the council with concerns about people congregating outside to smoke, causing noise and parking issues. However, he withdrew his objections, stating: "I feel that the comments made by Steve resolve a lot of the fears people had with this application. The landlord has imposed certain rules that resolve the worry i.e. the closing time of 8pm, no smoking or vaping on the premises, the restriction on the grass area and alcohol only to be served with food.”

Cllr Robin Moorcroft asked the couple why they wanted to sell alcohol from 8am. Mr Gowland replied: “That all stemmed from the amount of people who mill around in the morning. Imagine it’s your wedding anniversary and you’re taking the kids to school and you’ve just remembered, ‘I need a bottle of prosecco for the missus when I get in’.

"I don’t want to be derogatory to Tesco’s but not everybody wants to shop at Tesco’s. You can walk into us and buy a bottle and take it home with you.”

His wife added: “It’s for off-licence terms, it’s not that we want to serve people a beer at 8am. That’s not what we want at all.” The couple said they wouldn’t allow anyone to have a drink on the premises that early.

Mr Gowland added: “It’s not a tourist-focused business, it will be for locals all year round and they really want it. As much as people didn’t put favourable things in for it, I could probably give you 500 I know personally but they didn’t bother because they didn’t think they’d need to. It is really, really wanted by the local community.”

The committee unanimously agreed to the licence application and chair Cllr Sheila Lennox-Boyd wished the family all the best with their business.