THE headteacher of an award-winning girls’ school in Cornwall has been appointed as Honorary Treasurer of the UK’s Girls’ Schools Association.

Sarah Matthews of Truro High School for Girls was elected to the prestigious role due to her passion for girls’ only education. She joins the President, Vice President, and President-elect as an Officer of the Association using her expert voice to help set the direction for girls’ school education across the country. 

The GSA plays a pivotal role in its communities nationally, supporting girls and their schools, making a valuable contribution to the country’s diverse education system. As part of this 3-year role, Sarah will be responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the Association, advising Officers and the Council on the approval of budgetary matters, and supporting the Finance Executive and Chief Executive to ensure that appropriate accounting procedures are in place. 

Sarah said: "It makes me proud that the GSA has recognised the excellent and forward-thinking education we offer to students here at Truro High and now hopes, with my help, to extend some of those good practices to the benefit of girls’ schools around the UK.

"Truro High is, and will remain, my absolute priority but I look forward to working with some of the other excellent girls’ schools which will enable us to form exciting new partnerships to add benefit for everyone here at Truro High."