A 'wasteland' in the centre of Camborne could be converted into a public greenspace with a grassed amphitheatre if ambitious plans are given the go-ahead.

As part of the Camborne Town Deal plans, an application has been submitted to create Kerrier Way Greenspace, including paths, seating areas, a grassed amphitheatre, lawn and wildflower areas with amenity planting and tree planting on land north east of the Tesco store, Foundry Road, in the town.

A design statement says: “Despite this relatively prominent location, the site is currently in a neglected state, having being left undeveloped and largely unmaintained since demolition and reclamations works were completed in 2011. The site holds outline planning permission for residential development, though this has not been progressed by the current owner.

“The proposals seek to develop the site as a public greenspace , so that this key location can contribute in terms of townscape aesthetics and interest, and provide amenity and recreational value to local residents.”

As part of the overall town-wide enhancements, Kerrier Way Greenspace will “create a community green space, which will not only provide a peaceful, green sanctuary for community wellbeing, but also allow for performance, education events and social interaction in the landscape.

This project will transform two areas of unattractive scrubland, in a prominent location for the town, into a green gateway to the commercial centre of Camborne, which is not just aesthetically beneficial, but will encourage investment into the town, help build stronger community cohesion and contribute towards national and local strategies to combat climate change”.

The network of footpaths the through the space have been arranged to serve existing desire lines, provide access to points of activity and interest, and connect to pedestrian routes through the surrounding townscape. The grass amphitheatre has been designed to be a multi-functional resource, acting as an informal meeting/ gathering spot, a natural play area and events space.

Traditional Cornish hedges are proposed along boundaries facing the busier roads (Kerrier Way and Perryway) to create an environment that feels safe.

More details at PA23/09026: https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=S3RF6LFGHCL00&activeTab=summary