This year the Harmony Choir will not be performing on Christmas Eve as usual as the day before Christmas falls on a Sunday.

Instead, as tradition dictates, the choir will perform on Saturday, December 23 starting in Arwenack Street at 10.30am.

The choir will then move to Church Corner for 11am, the middle of Market Street at 11.45am, start of Market Street at 12:10pm and finishing at The Moor at 12.35pm.

There will be road closures in place along the route from 9.30am, starting in Market Street and then The Moor and High Street a bit later on, as the choir gets closer.

The Harmony Choir, which sees a huge choir of voices singing traditional and Cornish carols through the town, had been a key part of people’s Christmas Eve celebrations for more than 100 years - up to the point the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

This saw the event cancelled for three years in a row due to social distancing and a bid to keep people safe. It returned last year.

The Harmony Choir was founded in 1900 as the Falmouth Docks Foundry Choir to raise money for the sick and unemployed members of the dock’s workforce at Christmas.

The male voice choir now known as Harmony Choir still raises money for good causes in Falmouth and surrounding areas by singing true Cornish Christmas carols composed by Thomas Merritt.