A homeowner who wanted to put a Shepherd’s Hut in their back garden as an Airbnb has had their application refused by Cornwall Council.

Mr Joshua Pratt-Leonard had applied to site the hut at the rear of their home in East Rise, Falmouth as holiday accommodation.

However in a public comment on his own application he said using it as holiday accommodation would be a “worst case scenario” and they did not expect to use the site for this.

“Our plan is to have longer term local residents, and we are well aware of the huge need for housing in the area, so do not expect to run out of interest,” he said.

However the original application says: “The proposal would offer a rustic rural retreat within an urban area within a traditional shepherds hut.

“Research suggests that the number of holiday lets within the immediate area is limited. A proposal such as this for a holiday let, which can only really be found in the countryside, would offer a bespoke diversification to the holiday offer of the surroundings, in a highly sustainable location.”

Mr Pratt-Leonard said if it was refused then they would just get a lodger instead.

The application was opposed by Falmouth Town Council on the grounds of lack of parking, facilities and is unneighbourly with the risk of noise disturbance.

Falmouth Packet: The applicant wanted to put a Shepherd's Hut in their back garden on East RiseThe applicant wanted to put a Shepherd's Hut in their back garden on East Rise (Image: Google Maps)

It also said the proposal changes the character of the area and would set a precedent if approved.

A planning officer report said the proposed tourist accommodation was not considered to be 'high quality' and would be “unneighbourly”

The application was refused on the grounds that a self-contained holiday unit within the small rear garden of 'Sunny Bank' would intensify the residential use of the property and fail to provide high quality tourist accommodation for the occupants It said furthermore, it was likely to have a detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring residential properties in terms of noise disturbance.