A Helston-based organisation which offers support for many women in the area is facing closure due to rising costs.

The Snug Hub which was opened in Coinage Ope off Coinagehall Street in 2022 is a dedicated area for the Helston group of Your Voice Cornwall.

The hub has been offering peer support groups for women who are impacted by poor mental health, somewhere to come along once a fortnight to sit with other women who need support. It is also a space that offers safety, comfort, and connection.

As well as the mental health support group, the hub also hosts fortnightly groups for parents and carers who are looking after neurodiverse children in their care. The group gives parents and carers the opportunity to come along and talk about their journey, their struggles, and their fears.

However, faced with closure a fundraising page has now been launched to help raise £5,160 to help towards the rental fee over the next 12 months.

A post shared on the Crowdfunding page reads: “We recognise the impact of the ever-rising cost of living, and we are feeling it too.

“So, we are asking, only if you are able to, please donate whatever you can afford.

“A pound or two pounds. Every single penny we raise will enable us to continue to hold space in our Snug Hub. Every single penny will help us to empower women, give them safety, validation, support and hope.”

To see the Snug Hub Crowdfunding page or to donate visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/help-us-keep-our-snug-hub

The page also explains what the future would hold for the hub if enough money was raised. It reads: “If we can keep our hub, we plan on offering various other groups, including support and information groups to help women who are facing the period of peri/menopause.

“We are lucky enough to have an array of wonderful practitioners, coaches and other informative individuals who want to come on board and help us, HELP women be more empowered in the transitional periods of their lives.”