Police are investigating a postal worker who failed to deliver the mail in Falmouth in 2021.

Falmouth Police say they have received a report that a postal worker failed to deliver post to the Longfield area back in 2021.

Falmouth and Helston Police say they received a report from a member of the public relating to deliveries.

The post is supposed to have not been delivered between September 2021 and the end of December 2021.

They want anyone who has been affected by this incident to contact PC Fuller on 17532@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk quoting crime reference number 50230138910.

In a post on Facebook they said: “Devon and Cornwall Police have received a report from a member of the public regarding a Postal Worker for the Royal Mail failing to deliver post between September 2021 and the end of December 2021.

“The area affected will be the Longfield area of Falmouth and the nearby housing estates. The addresses possibly affected by this incident would have been contacted by the Royal Mail by letter in March/ April 2023.

“If you or anybody you know has been affected by this incident, please contact PC 7532 FULLER on 17532@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk quoting crime reference number 50230138910.

“Please feel free to share this with friends and family who live in the affected area as we would like to speak to anyone who was affected by this.”