A community carol service took place at Stithians Methodist Church to mark the second Sunday of Advent.

The event, held on December 10, was led by Rev Elizabeth Harris and saw Lucille Rowse light two Advent candles to commence the service.

Contributions to the festive proceedings came from Stithians Ladies Choir, St Stythians Male Voice Choir, Stithians School Bell-plate Group, the Beavers, and the Ukulele Group.

A Signing Group performed interpretations of festive favourites 'Away in a Manger' and 'Silent Night'.

Post-service refreshments included homemade cakes and cookies courtesy of Soulcraft, a home-schooling group.

Bible readings were given by representatives of various local groups.

Another carol service, this time by candlelight, is planned for December 17, at 6pm with Lucille Rowse at the helm.

Attendees have been assured that off-road parking will be available and that all are welcome.