A PLANNING application from a local football team to upgrade its floodlights with replacement lamps and install a storage container has been decided upon. 

Helston Athletic Football Club's application for a storage container and replacement flood light lamps on six poles around the ground have been granted conditional approval by Cornwall Council's planning officers. 

According to the application's documents, the proposal will allow the football club to continue to operate and provide both an economic and recreational aspect to the development and allow the club to operate when the sun sets which allows for winter play. The provision of a storage container is located to the rear of the clubhouse and will allow for some incidental storage.

The application was granted with several conditions attached, including:

  • The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
  • The flood lighting hereby permitted shall not be operated between the hours of 10pm and 9am on any day (except for on an occasion whereby the fixture is a recognised cup match affiliated to the Football Association and whereby extra time and penalties are required to the conclusion of that match).
  • The floodlighting shall be installed in a manner not to exceed the approved lighting levels set out within the lighting system and light level summary received on October 25, 2023.
  • The floodlights hereby permitted shall be positioned in such a way that they illuminate the playing surface and do not shine directly onto the adjacent neighbouring properties.
  • The storage container hereby permitted (as shown on approved plan HAFC/06) shall be used for storage purposes incidental to the use of Helston Football Club only and for no other purpose.

One concerned resident did express their wish for the lighting not to intrude on local residents. Writing on a circular that was posted in the local area, they said: "Whilst I and other residents feel we are overlooked as far as they are concerned, so going against is pointless, one thing that must be observed is these lights must be away from houses.

"We have and are already suffering from light pollution and sleep disturbances for younger members of the family. Ensure no problem from these lights."