A FORMER detective sergeant has been found culpable of gross misconduct by a panel, following a three-day hearing in November.

The panel concluded that had former Detective Sergeant Gavin Jolley still been serving, he would have been dismissed without notice.

On 29 November the panel, led by an independent Legally Qualified Chair, found that he had breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of Equality and Diversity, Honesty and Integrity, Authority, Respect and Courtesy and Discreditable Conduct.

The hearing looked at allegations that he had a case to answer in relation to 18 incidents relating to inappropriate behaviour. This included inappropriate sexualised comments while on duty, inappropriate touching of a member of the public while off duty, sexually inappropriate comments to members of the public while off duty and sending inappropriate messages to female colleagues of a misogynistic nature. He had previously received words of advice around his behaviour.

Following the hearing it was concluded that the actions were proven and that his behaviours amounted to gross misconduct.

Head of Professional Standards, Detective Superintendent Alexandra Doughty said: “The Force and the public expect all officers, staff and volunteers to carry out their roles to a high standard and to maintain the expected behaviours and professional boundaries both inside and outside of work.

“In this case, former Detective Sergeant Gavin Jolley’s actions have fallen well below that and as such it is right that he is no longer able to hold the office of Constable.

“He has been placed on the barred list so will no longer be able to hold a role in any police force within the UK.”

Deputy Chief Constable, David Thorne said: “We are working hard to ensure we root out any officer or staff member who does not display the required expectations for working within the police service and it is right that former Detective Sergeant Jolley would have been dismissed had he not already resigned. 

“If you have any concerns over the conduct of a member of staff, officer or volunteer, I would encourage you to contact our professional standards department for the matters to be fully investigated.”