A 62-year-old man has been jailed after assaulting a female victim and for possession of a wooden plank with nails in it. 

Clive Sabey, aged 62, of Hendra Vale in Launceston, appeared in front of magistrates at Bodmin Law Courts on Friday, January 5 on one count of assault by beating and one count of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. 

The offences took place on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at two locations in Launceston. Sabey assaulted the female victim at Hendra Vale in Launceston and was found to be in possession of a wooden plank with nails in it at Hendra Park. 

Sabey pleaded guilty to both offences. 

During his sentencing, Sabey was handed down a suspended sentence of 16 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months as well as being made the subject of a restraining order prohibiting him from contacting the victim or entering an address in Launceston for a period of 12 months. 

He was also made to pay compensation of £100 as well as pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service as well as a surcharge of £154. 

The court also ordered that the plank of wood with nails be forfeited and destroyed. 

According to the Sentencing Council, sentences handed down for these types of offences vary depending on a number of factors such as whether the offence committed was common assault, actual bodily harm, or grievous bodily harm or wounding.

Sentences are also worked out by assessing harm and culpability, that is, whether the attack was sustained or repeated and how responsible the offender was for the assault.