A paedophile who persistently breached sexual risk orders was a real danger to children despite his young age, a Truro judge has said.

Braiden Prynn, aged 20, currently of Tuckingmill but formerly of Falmouth, appeared at Truro Crown Court on Friday for sentencing after admitting 13 breaches of a two year order imposed by Truro magistrates in January 19, 2023. It was imposed because he had an ‘entrenched sexual interest’ in children.

The order bans him from using the internet and from using internet devices including mobile phones and the use of social media platforms under an alias or password protected devices without the police’s permission.

Falmouth Packet: Braiden Prynn was sent to a young offenders' Institute for two and a half yearsBraiden Prynn was sent to a young offenders' Institute for two and a half years (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

The prosecution told the court that on Remembrance Day last year, November 11, a police officer visited Prynn at Meneghy House for a home visit to check on that order.

When the officer entered the room Prynn chucked an Apple phone, which he was forbidden from having, underneath a cushion on the sofa.

However as it was still connected to its charging cable it was clearly visible.

He was arrested and said at the scene: “I’m going back to F***in’ prison then”.

The possession of the phone gave rise to three of the 13 breaches as it was password protected.

Police found nine social media apps all of which he had a social media profiles on which weren’t in his real name. Another was for using Snapchat from which he was banned.

The court was told he was last before the Crown Court in July of last year when he was given 12 months for four further breaches of his sexual risk order.

The court heard that the breaches included going to a youth club the day after the order was imposed and being in touch with a 13-year-old girl.

His defence said these were risk offences rather than physical offences.

“He isn’t a sophisticated person and I understand why he finds it easier to fit in with young teenagers rather than adults,” he said. “He presents as a young teenager himself although he is 20.”

He said Prynn was immature and unsophisticated and he did have other problems and was on the Autism spectrum.

He said Prynn’s goal was to return to Falmouth where his mother and family live and work as a labourer.

Sentencing Prynn to two and a half years in prison at a young offenders institute on each count to run concurrently, Judge Simon Carr said: “You are still only 20 years old. At the end of 2022, the beginning of 2023 the authorities concerns were so enhanced about the sexual risk you presented to young children they got a sexual risk order at magistrates’ court.

“They are rarely sought and only sought in the most extreme cases.”

He said since that time Prynn had consistently breached that order and eventually been put in custody but breached the order again within days of his release. He said the conclusion of all the reports into him was that Prynn presented a “very significant risk to children”.

Prynn was also put on the sex offenders register.