Things went from bad to worse when Jeffrey Fogerty was caught driving without insurance in Falmouth – before he ended up admitting harrassment and resisting a police officer.

Fogerty also failed to provide a blood specimen to police when asked to do so.

The catalogue of offences was heard by magistrates in Truro last week, when the 34-year-old was sentenced having pleaded guilty to four charges.

Fogerty, now of Mount Wise, Newquay, pleaded guilty to causing harassment without violence between December 9 and December 10 last year in Falmouth.

The court was told that his conducted amounted to the harassment of a woman when he repeatedly visited her home address and entered it, despite being told explicitly not to do so.

For this he was fined £120 and a restraining order was put in place preventing him from contacting the woman in any way, or entering the road she lives in. The order will be in place until January 15, 2025.

While being stopped by police on December 10 last year, Fogerty was found to be driving his BMW without third party insurance and then subsequently failed to provide a specimen of blood for a laboratory test, when ordered to by police, during the course of their investigation.

For these offences he was disqualified from driving for six months, and ordered to pay an additional £80 fee.

Finally, while being arrested on the same date in Poolfield Way, Falmouth – one of the new estates off Bickland Water Road - he resisted the police officer in the execution of his duty.

Fogerty pleaded guilty to this and was fined another £40.

This resulted in a total fine of £240.

The magistrates told him that his guilty pleas had been taken into account when determining all the sentences.

Previous charges of stalking, and assault with intent to resist arrest, were withdrawn by the prosecution.