Another bid to install an ANPR camera at the entrance to a Falmouth hotel has gone in after a previous application was withdrawn.

ParkingEye proposes to install a car park management system at the entrance to the existing car park at the Falmouth Hotel to reduce car park abuse and ensure that spaces are available for genuine site users.

The camera utilises automatic number plate recognition cameras (ANPR) and the application includes associated signage and pay and display (P&D) machines to monitor the entrance and exit of vehicles within the car park.

The site is currently used as a car park with 100 parking bays including disabled bays.

The company say the proposal is to provide management of the existing car park to reduce car park abuse and ensure that spaces are available for genuine site users The site will continue to operate as a car park however it will be managed by the introduction of an ANPR system.

The proposal will consist of: - ANPR camera - 5m camera column - Camera cabinet - Cabling to link the camera to a power supply - Signage poles - Associated signage.

The company says the proposed development will have a minimal impact on the local landscape character and no landscape would be lost as a result of the construction and installation of an ANPR car park management system.


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Access to the proposed development will be from the existing access road to the car park. The site access and exit arrangements will not change due to installation of an ANPR system.

The equipment used for the proposed development will be of a standard specification and be as environmentally sensitive as possible in terms of design.

The scheme has been located on an area of land that is already used for car parking and as such will not significantly impact upon visual or landscape receptors.

The company says the proposal will ensure that the existing car park is used more effectively and reduce the amount of abuse that currently occurs.