An ‘apocalyptic’ thunder storm in the early hours of Friday morning caused power cuts, set off car alarms and terrified people who thought a bomb had gone off.

People in Falmouth, Penryn and the surrounding villages were left thinking it was the end of the world as torrential rain and hail battered the streets and lightning and thunder crashed across the sky at around 3am.

Jane Harvey reported that she thought she had a direct hit in her garden in Cosawes Park in Perranarworthal.

Posting on Facebook she said: “I think we had a direct hit in our garden because I was awake and saw a blinding flash followed by a massive thunderbolt,” she said.

"Electricity all went off. Thank God no damage to home (park home at Cosawes) or electrical equipment. I was absolutely terrified and still shaking two hours on."

Jane Harvey said she had the same thing Ponsanooth. “I've never heard thunder like that! It must have been directly above Ponsanooth. But I didn't hear anything else after that, apart from the torrential rain."

Sarah Treen replied: We had the same thing in the village, I've never heard thunder like that! It must have been directly above Ponsanooth. But I didn't hear anything else after that, apart from the torrential rain. Very weird!”

Sandra Tonkin was working at Asda in Penryn at the time and had a power cut just before the storm hit.

“I'm working (Asda) we had a power cut just before it, made me jump!” she said. “Now out working in all this rain and hail! It's miserable."

Alexander St Ledger-Renfree reported that the electric went on and off at the top of Mabe while Steve Tonks was woken up in Longdowns it was so loud.

People in Mylor Bridge reported apocalyptic rain fall with accompanying thunder and lightning which set off car alarms.

One resident said: “I’ve never heard rain like it, it was apocalyptic. Woke me up but I was too scared to get out of bed. There were car alarms being set off. It woke our whole family up!”

Michelle Beeson even reported hearing it in Redruth.

Dave from the Kernow Weather Team posted on X that there may still be more torrential downpours to come.

“I spy with my little eye a few isolated showers making their way around Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly this morning . But don't let their size fool you, these bad boys could pack a punch. Yup, we're talking heavy showers with a side of hail and maybe even some sleet over higher ground. Mother Nature is really spicing things up today.”