First it was penguins, then it was mugs, then it was, ahem, sex toys but now ducks are getting drivers all in a flap along the A39.

A long line of ducks has appeared along the parapet of the bridge at the Kea Church turn off some time this week. The bridge has become notorious for having unrelated items placed along the parapet.

The tradition is thought have been started by Cornwall’s very own 'Banksy' who started by placing penguins on the tidal flats along the A39 between Devoran and Perranarworthal.

Falmouth Packet:

He is then thought to have moved onto the bridge parapet placing items on there to amuse drivers. But since then it has taken on a life of its own with all kinds of items being placed there.

He denies he has anything to do with the large number of ornamental ducks that have appeared there this week.

The items, including the sex toys that didn’t last long, are usually removed but then return later in a different form.

Whoever placed the ducks must have taken a long time to collect them all and then had to go and put them all out on a busy road without being seen.

One driver said: “These things always amuse me when I drive past.”

Dean Evans, who sent the Packet these pictures, said: “How long will they last before Cormac see the need to remove them on the basis that they might distract drivers? Distract them from the appalling state of our roads, maybe?”

The A39 is no stranger to controversy though with more recently the average speed cameras at Perranarworthal and elsewhere being cut down by a person or persons unknown, although there is no suggestion that those who got all their ducks in a row did that!

Do you know who put the ducks there and why? Let us know by emailing