An organisation supporting women and girls affected by sexual and domestic abuse in Cornwall has published its impact report.

The Women's Centre Cornwall shared its 2022/2023 impact report, highlighting significant accomplishments.

The report outlined the assistance given to 382 women through its specialist service and handling of 800 calls from those seeking immediate help.

They also reached out specifically to women with learning disabilities and neurodivergence.

Other notable initiatives include the Assertive Outreach project, which aided 145 women facing significant challenges such as homelessness, involvement in the sex industry and substance use.

The Women's Centre Cornwall's commitment extended to women on probation, supporting 334 women via their Open Service.

A collaboration with HMP Eastwood Park Prison saw support provided to 72 women in prison who had experienced abuse.

CEO Jackie May said: "This year has been monumental for The Women’s Centre Cornwall.

"We have grown, evolved, and adapted in increasingly challenging circumstances.

"Statistics and reports can never truly reflect the impact of the work that takes place within this organisation.

"It is measured often in the moments of connection between women, the trust built and relationships that are developed.

"It is reflected in the first time women speak their truth and the sparks of joy in their lives as they slowly but surely return to their power."

Falmouth Packet: The Women's Centre Cornwall shared its 2022/2023 impact report, highlighting significant

Alarming national statistics show that one in four women have suffered domestic abuse by an ex or current partner in their adult lives. 

As well as 25 per cent of women have been raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

This equates to about 6.54 million women nationwide.

The centre saw a marked 400 per cent rise in online Campfire community members, a support space for women dealing with various forms of abuse.

83 per cent of the centre's team are women who have personally experienced sexual violence, domestic abuse and interaction with the criminal justice system.

Jackie May added: "Words cannot do justice to how proud we feel of the women who form the Women’s Centre Cornwall community.

"We are fully committed to keeping women and girls at the heart of everything we do."